Book series
Title: Thought-Images Booklets
Date: 2023
Design: Macedo Cannatà
Format: 10 x 15 cm
Language: Portuguese and english
Printing: Offset
Print run: 200 copies
Design: Macedo Cannatà
Translation: Susana Camanho and Emídio Agra
Booklet #1
The Winds of Thought
Text: Stefania Fantauzzi
Booklet #2
The Visage Behind the Face or the Imagining Image
Text: João Barrento
Booklet #3
The Image Escapes in Every Direction
Text: R. H. Quaytman
Booklet #4
The Experience of Evil and Baudelaire's Posterity
Text: Mario Campaña
Booklet #5
Image-affect: Body, Thought and Desire
Text: Begonya Sáez Tajafuerce
Booklet #6
Unlived remembrance and images that make history: a series of columns
Text: Ana Lanfranconi
Booklet #7
The Subversion of the Icon. Figurations of the Feminine in María Zambrano
Text: Elena Laurenzi
Booklet #8
Arendt, “an enthusiastic recycler”. Thinking from Fragments
Text: Fina Birulés
Booklet #9
Blood and Printing Ink. The Violence of the Media in Karl Kraus
Text: António Sousa Ribeiro
Thought-images booklets come from the attempt to rescue threatened experiences in an uncertain present. Together with the other publications and activities (exhibitions, performances, workshops, concerts), the idea is to capture the trepidations of the present, the emotions and experiences that vibrate on the margins. The first three issues are: The Winds of Thought, by Stefania Fantauzzi, The Visage Behind the Face or the Imagining Image, by João Barrento, and The Image Escapes in Every Direction, by R. H. Quaytman.
The price does not include shipping.
Conjunto 9 livros/ set of 9 books 40€