Sat, 16 Mar 2024
15:00 – 18:00

Free participation
Limited capacity

Starting from the exhibition Our Time is Out of Joint, by Ana Linhares, and from her research into non-normative crip/queer temporalities, Aura da Fonseca presents Transpography: Mapping the identity body. This activity involves the art and technique of graphically representing one or more trans* body extensions.

After sharing experiences, references, and readings, we lay down on a paper covered floor. Alone or with some help, we begin by transcending the form, transposing it and, inevitably, modifying it, onto another surface. Separated from us, the figure allows for experimentation. Modifications and additions follow; parts appear and disappear, become blurred or more clarified. There is room for ornamentation, for greater or lesser definition. Meanwhile, we search for the elements that matter to us in a geography of the body, and of what emerges from and depends on it. In the anthropocentric era, topographic maps are replaced by transpographic ones, attempting to understand the territory through the experience of the dissident bodies claiming it.

* This workshop specially invites trans people but is open to everyone. A safe space is provided where each participant can intervene as they feel comfortable.


Aura da Fonseca (Porto, 1997) is a transdisciplinary artist interested in issues of identity and sustainability and co-founder of Asterisco, a space and platform for artists belonging to social minorities. She has an MA in Performance Making by Goldsmiths and a degree in Fine and Intermediate Arts by ESAP and by the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. Her work has been presented at Teatro Municipal do Porto, Galerias Municipais, Mala Voadora, Rua das Gaivotas 6, Bienal de Arte Contemporânea da Maia, The Place, Nottingham Contemporary, Centre for Live Art Yorkshire, Stockholm Fringe Festival, among others.